Khrystelle, 2 years

NameKhrystelle (f)
Date of birth13/10/2021
FatherPolice officer
DiagnosisPDA-Ruptur and Pseudo- Aneurysma
SurgeonDr. Charles Mvondo
Intervention & Treatment€ 3.817,00
average material costs€ 1.250,00
Support requested

€ 1.250,00


... it was possible to intervene in time! As already described in the application, Khrystelle was in a very difficult situation. Fortunately, Dr Charles Mvondo and his team were able to perform the corrective surgery on 22 July 2024 successfully and, above all, on time! Khrystelle recovered well from the operation this time.

Khrystelle's parents would like to thank the mi-do donation community from the bottom of their hearts for their financial support and the Cardiac Centre team for their extremely professional and loving care!

August 2024

Quick action was necessary!

Khrystelle has had health problems since birth. She was treated for asthma for a long time. It later emerged that Khrystelle had a congenital heart defect, which was causing the health problems. In April 2024, Khrystelle was operated on by another team of guest doctors. Soon after the operation, problems arose and Dr Hermann Tsague introduced Khrystelle to the team of Dr Charles Mvondo. A follow-up operation was urgently needed as a vascular rupture was detected. This was successfully performed in July 2024!

Khrystelle comes from a polygamous family. Her mother earns around € 115.00 a month as a teacher. It goes without saying that support is needed. With your help, the mi-do donation community can contribute to the costs of consumables.

Donation barometer

100 %
€ 1.250,00 / € 1.250,00

Our thanks go to the following donors

Freunde von Etica Mundi Italy € 9,00
Sr. Ermelinde / Bozen Italy € 100,00
Burkhard & Gabriele H. - Herzpaten / Berlin Germany € 20,00
Burkhard & Gabriele H. - Herzpaten / Berlin Germany € 20,00
Burkhard & Gabriele H. - Herzpaten / Berlin Germany € 20,00
Burkhard & Gabriele H. - Herzpaten / Berlin Germany € 20,00
Sr. Ermelinde / Bozen Italy € 100,00
cl Austria € 65,00
Manfred Austria € 50,00
Burkhard & Gabriele H. - Herzpaten / Berlin Germany € 20,00
Anna Maria K. / St. Johann Italy € 60,00
Ottilia A. & Alfred P. Italy € 766,00

We thank all MI-DO supporters!
