5 heart valves

For whom?teenagers/young adults
Intervention throughHeart-of-Cameroon-Foundation
Where?General Hospital Yaoundè, Kamerun
SurgeonsDr. Charles Mvondo & Kollegen
Support requested€ 6.000,00


Dr Carole Yon and Dr Hermann Tsague

send warm greetings from the depot where the heart valves, medicines and other consumables provided by Etica Mundi and mi-do are stored!

Between Advent 2023 and Easter 2024, 15 patients benefited from the donations of the Etica Mundi and mi-do donation community! Children as well as adolescents and adults are among the patients of the HCF team. From the beginning of the HCF's activities in September 2022 until Easter 2024, a total of 41 patients with congenital and acquired heart defects were operated on.

All consumables required for the operations were provided. Most of the materials were purchased in Europe and could be delivered on time.

We would like to thank the many benefactors from the bottom of our hearts for their donations, for their trust and for their loyalty!

While heart valve damage in adolescents or young adults is rather rare in our countries, it is relatively common in Sub-Sahara Africa. The causes are usually untreated inflammatory diseases such as tonsillitis, which can lead to rheumatic fever. If the disease becomes chronic, it can lead to inflammation of the heart and thus damage to the heart valves. If the damage is advanced, one or more heart valves must be surgically replaced.

With your help, the Heart of Cameroon Foundation can purchase a stock of heart valves and subsequently plan the necessary operations.

The next series of operations will take place in January 2024. We will inform you about the result!

Thank you so much for your contribution!

Donation barometer

100 %
€ 6.000,00 / € 6.000,00

Our thanks go to the following donors

Matteo / St. Ulrich Italy € 35,00
Burkhard & Gabriele H. - Herzpaten / Berlin Germany € 20,00
Josef F. / Gossensass Italy € 250,00
Alois A. / Montan Italy € 50,00
Burkhard & Gabriele H. - Herzpaten / Berlin Germany € 20,00
Georg V. / Bozen Italy € 50,00
FaroShopping / Vahrn Italy € 300,00
Laufen mit Herz Italy € 135,00
Michael St. / Truden Italy € 500,00
Leonhard Josef T. / Kaltern Italy € 1.200,00
Gottfried U. / Bozen Italy € 100,00
Anna Maria K. & Erberto C. / St. Vigil Italy € 250,00
Elisabeth U. / Leisach Austria € 400,00
Burkhard & Gabriele H. - Herzpaten / Berlin Germany € 20,00
Erna C. Italy € 20,00
Christian L. / Truden Italy € 500,00
Erwin T. / Lana Italy € 800,00
Annelies S. / Feldthurns Italy € 500,00
Andreas M. / Brixen Italy € 200,00
Elisabeth F. / Völs am Schlern Italy € 150,00
Dr. Schär AG/SPA / Burgstall Italy € 500,00

We thank all MI-DO supporters!
