Nolan, 6 years

NameMbah Nolan (m)
Date of birth14. November 2015
Mother  Student
Fathernot known
DiagnosisTetralogy of Fallot
CardiologistDr. Cabral Tantchou
SurgeonDr. Charles Mvondo
Surgical Intervention€ 5.801,00
Support requested
€ 5.801,00

Our hero!

Nolan is a brave boy! Nolan went through the surgery and treatment without any complaints. Dr. Charles Mvondo and his team performed the operation, which was not easy, with flying colours. Nolan's foster mother is relieved, happy and grateful.

We rejoice together with Nolan and his mother and thank the "Easter Bunny", who wishes to remain anonymous, from the bottom of our hearts for his generosity!

If Nolan had been born in the global North, his congenital heart defect would probably have been detected immediately. For Nolan, however, it took three years to get a diagnosis. When Nolan was three years old, he was examined extensively by a paediatrician as part of a malaria treatment. It turned out that Nolan was born with a Tetralogy of Fallot. An operative correction is unavoidable.

Nolan goes to first grade elementary school. The mother was still a teenager when she gave birth to Nolan. Nolan has lived with his grandmother since birth. She takes good care of him, but can’t afford the cost of the operation.

We thank with all our heart the “Easter Bunny”, who made possible the operation as well as the pre- and post-treatment for Nolan!

Donation barometer

100 %
€ 5.801,00 / € 5.801,00

Our thanks go to the following donors

Frohe Ostern - Buona Pasqua - Happy Easter Italy € 5.801,00

We thank all MI-DO supporters!
