Bebe Kendra, 1 year 8mo

Name"Bebe" Kendra (f)
Date of birth08/January/2020
CardiologistDr. Cabral Tantchou
SurgeonDr. Charles Mvondo
Surgical Intervention + treatment€ 5.801,00
Family's contribution€    769,00
Support requested
€  5.032,00

What a relief!

Kendra is healthy again! Dr. Charles Mvondo and his team successfully operated on Kendra. There were no complications and Kendra has recovered well.

Kendra's parents are extremely happy that the operation was made possible with the help of the mi-do donation community and thank them from the bottom of their hearts.

In the picture we can see Kendra with her mother and the guest anesthetist Dr. Italo Milocco.

“Bebe” Kendra has never eaten much, has only grown very slowly, and when she recently developed a high fever, her parents took Kendra to the hospital. A heart defect has been detected, which needs to be surgically corrected.

Kendra’s family lives in very simple circumstances. The mother is at home and the father is a retailer. Fortunately, the family lives in Yaoundè, where the outside ward of the Heart Centre of the Tertiary Sisters of St. Francis is located. Longer trips would not be possible for the family. We want to avoid the family having to go into debt and therefore we ask the mi-do fundraising community to cover the majority of the  costs for surgery. Cordial Thank you in advance for your appreciated support!

Date of request: 20. 08. 2021

Donation barometer

100 %
€ 5.016,56 / € 5.032,00

Our thanks go to the following donors

Paul Verdzekov Heart Foundation Cameroon € 625,89
Burkhard H. - Herzpate / Berlin Germany € 20,00
Matteo / Geburtstagsfest Italy € 20,00
Richard St. / Meran Italy € 100,00
Aktion Sternsingen / Katholische Jungschar Südtirol Italy € 3.000,00
schönen Geburtstag :-) Italy € 20,67
Matteo Italy € 20,00
Matteo Italy € 10,00
Region Trentino-Südtirol Italy € 1.200,00

We thank all MI-DO supporters!
