Cardiac Centre Outreach Penuel, 15 years

NameMbinghonyi Penuel (F)
Date of birth04/01/2004
Mother Farmer
no of children05 siblings
AddressNdop / NW - Cameroon
CardiologistDr. Tantchou Cabral
Surgical intervention € 4.580,00
pre/post surgical treatment€ 1.527,00
Own contribution€    000,00
Support requested             € 6.107,00

We're glad!

We are very pleased that despite the difficult times in English Cameroon, Penuel came to Yaoundé in the outstation of the Cardiac Center Shisong. There, she was operated successfully on May 30, 2019, by Dr. med. Charles Mvondo and his excellent team. Br. Boniface told us that Penuel is doing very well and that she is enjoying her new life.

The parents are overjoyed and wholeheartedly thank all those who have contributed to the success of the mission in different ways!

It's not easy for Penuel to get medical help in the midst of the sociopolitical crisis. At the Cardiac Center Shisong, Penuel was diagnosed with a severe mitral valve defect in March 2019; Dr. Cabral Tantchou urgently advised surgery. Because of the ongoing unrest, however, no operations can be carried out in Shisong. Fortunately, a branch of the heart center has been established in Yaoundé where Penuel can be operated on by the Shisong team.

Penuel's parents are simple farmers and can not afford the surgery costs. We, therefore ask the mi-do donation community for their esteemed contribution. Thank you very much!

Donation barometer

100 %
€ 6.107,00 / € 6.107,00

Our thanks go to the following donors

TSSF Brixen (adv.) Italy € 562,00
Elke G. / Bozen Italy € 75,00
Georg W. - Herzpate / Wien Austria € 120,00
Agnes & Hubert Italy € 30,00
Mühlbach - Schulabschlussfest Italy € 570,00
Anna Maria K.T. Italy € 100,00
Kamerun Nachmittag Italy € 100,00
Ludwig R. / Schlanders Italy € 50,00
Tertiarschwestern des hl. Franziskus / Brixen Italy € 1.200,00
Lilli U.O. Austria € 500,00
Hildegard O. / Meran Italy € 50,00
Doris P.D. / Bozen Italy € 300,00
Gruß aus Rom Italy € 1.250,00
Region Trentino-Südtirol Italy € 1.200,00

We thank all MI-DO supporters!
