Afangyu, 8 years

NameNgala Siragirdine Afangyu (M)
Date of birth00/00/2010
Mother subsistence farmer
No. of children05 siblings
AddressNdu / NW - Cameroon
CardiologistDr. Jean-Claude Ambassa
Surgical intervention € 4.580,00
pre/post surgical care€ 1.527,00
Family's contribution€    000,00
Support requested€ 6.107,00

Happy mother - brave son!

Already on the second day after the successful operation Afangyu looks bravely and proudly into the camera. In May 2018, Dr. Charles Mvondo and his team corrected the serious heart defect with an open heart surgery. After nearly a month of hospitalization, Afangyu was able to leave the Cardiac Center well recovered.

Br. Boniface (social case office) tells us that words alone can not express how happy and grateful Afangyu's mother is for the extraordinary help. She thanks the Cardiac Center team and the mi-do community for the "miracle" and asks God's blessings for all those who have helped Afangyu in different ways.

The mother of Afangyu does not have an easy life. Widowed for years, she raises five children alone. Afangu is her problem child. Recently, Dr. Jean-Claude Ambassa at the Cardiac Center Shisong diagnosed a serious heart disease - mitral valve failure, aortic valve failure and pulmonary hypertension. A surgical correction is inevitable.

Ms. Saliatou is working very heard on her small peasantry and struggles to cater for five children and send them to school. As a single mother, she understandably cannot contribute to the costs for the operation and therefore Br. Boniface kindly asked the mi-do community for 100% support.

Date of request: 02.04.2018

Donation barometer

100 %
€ 6.107,00 / € 6.107,00

Our thanks go to the following donors

Friends of Franciscan Mission Outreach United States € 273,00
Aktion Sternsingen / Katholische Jungschar Südtirol Italy € 2.000,00
Gerti St. / Bozen Italy € 200,00
"Laufen mit Herz" - Danke KVW Durnholz! Italy € 444,00
Herzpate - Georg W. / Wien Austria € 40,00
Tausend Dank lieber Herr Otto M.!!! Austria € 1.000,00
Tertiarkloster-Brixen-Kamerun-Nachmittag "Sonne - Licht - Leben" Italy € 300,00
Claudia H. - im Gedenken an Dr. Peter Gasser Andorra € 50,00
Region Trentino-Südtirol Italy € 1.800,00

We thank all MI-DO supporters!
