Celestine, 7 years

NameFonki Celestine Ndeh (F)
date of birth2010
Mother  peasant farmer
Fatherpeasant farmer  
Children 07 siblings
AddressWum / NW Cameroon
CardiologistDr. Jean Claude Ambassa
Surgical intervention€ 4.580,00
pre/post surgical treatment€ 1.527,00
Family's contribution€    458,00
Support requested€ 5.649,00

Good news!

We are rejoicing together with Celestine and her family. Dr. Charles Mvondo and his team were able to correct the heart defect on 06.Mär 2018 successfully. The post-treatment was complication-free and Celestine was able to go home well rested.

The father and the entire family would like to thank wholeheartedly the Cardiac Center team and the mi-do donation community for the salvation of their daughter's life!

Celestine and her father contacted the Cardiac Center Shisong after seeking help for Celestine in several regional hospitals with no improvement. There, Dr. Jean Claude Ambassa diagnosed Celestine with a severe mitral valve insufficiency and pulmonary hypertension. After having received the diagnoses of his little daughter the father was filled with great concern because an operative correction of the heart defect is inevitable.

Celestine's parents, Genevieve and Jacob, are peasent farmers and care for seven children. The yield of the harvest is just enough to feed the family. When the father heard the cost of the operation, he lost hope that Celestine would ever be able to recover. Of course, the parents will contribute all their savings, and for the rest Br. Boniface asks the mi-do donation community on behalf of the family for their valued help.

Date of request: 28.08.2017

Donation barometer

100 %
€ 5.649,00 / € 5.649,00

Our thanks go to the following donors

Freunde von Etica Mundi Italy € 289,00
Georg W. - Herzpate Austria € 120,00
Dr. Schär AG / Burgstall Italy € 250,00
Herbert F. - im Gedenken an Dr. Karl Pfannenstiel Italy € 25,00
Claudia H. - im Gedenken an Dr. Karl Pfannenstiel Italy € 50,00
Andrea's charity box "Happy Easter" Italy € 115,00
Stiftung Maria Teresa Riedl Italy € 400,00
Aktion Sternsingen / Katholische Jungschar Südtirol Italy € 2.500,00
Andrea's charity box Italy € 100,00
Region Trentino-Südtirol Italy € 1.800,00

We thank all MI-DO supporters!
