Make a difference through Micro-Donation

Donate to a single person:
Your donation is used only for the person you donated to. After the treatment we send you an update per Email. Further information you will find in the list below.

Donate to a group of patients:
 If you want to give your donation to the whole group of patients listed below, please use the donation-button on the right side. Your donation will be subdivided equally among all patients listed. 

Even if 100% of the requested amount has been raised, you may use the donation-button on the right side. The funds will be contributed to the next group of patients to be listed.

Every donation as little as it may be counts! 

Donation barometer

Here you can divide the donations
equally between the patients

€ 20.311,00 / € 20.500,00

a child

€ 1.061,00 / € 1.250,00

Soon we will report here about the child who benefits from your donation!

With your help, the material costs for the ...

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Bella, 2 years

€ 1.250,00 / € 1.250,00

Good news!

The Tertiary Sisters of St. Francis have resumed cardiac surgery at the General Hospital Yaoundé. It is ...

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100 %

5 heart valves

€ 6.000,00 / € 6.000,00

While heart valve damage in adolescents or young adults is rather rare in our countries, it is relatively common in ...

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100 %

5 children

€ 6.000,00 / € 6.000,00

Heart of Cameroon Foundation HCF

Etica Mundi has also been supporting the activities of the Heart of Cameroon ...

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100 %

Heart of Cameroon Foundation NEW!

€ 6.000,00 / € 6.000,00

We have important news for you!

December 2023: The Tertiary Sisters of St Francis were unable to extend their contract ...

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100 %

We thank all MI-DO supporters!
